Kṛṣṇa-prema Devoid of a Siddha-deha is Intrinsic to a Nitya-baddha-jīva
This essay intends to settle a raging controversy which has ravaged the institutions representing the gauḍīya-vaiṣṇava-sampradāya in the modern world by dividing and estranging them, baffled erudite minds for a long time, and inspired many articles and debates, but has yet not been unanimously and indisputably settled. This topic is a classic example of an overtly enticing and convincing truth which disintegrates upon deeper investigation by revealing the several inherent inconsistencies and fallacies lurking beneath. Due to addressing one of the most fundamental and crucial topics of sambandha-tattva, and its consequential impact on abhidheya-tattva to ultimately attain the prayojana-tattva, and its ramifications in interpreting the words of the ācāryas, it is imperative for all to grasp these subtleties even at the emotional discomfort of relinquishing the fake solace in believing we possess something we never did. We know from Rūpa Gosvāmī's 'anarpita-carīṁ' verse t...